Elected officers and appointed officers constitute the AAUW Huntingdon Branch Board of Directors.

Co-Presidents (2024 – 2026) : Charlotte Ridge and April Feagley
Finance (2024 – 2025) : Dana Jefferson
Secretary (2024 – 2025) : Julia Wilt

Program : All members
Membership : Kathy Gates and Jamie Polglaze

AAUW Funds : Vacant
Awards Chair : Alli Goulden

Bylaws : Mary Kratzer
College/University Chair : Charlotte Ridge
Communications Chair : Vacant
Education : Vacant
International : Vacant
Public Policy Co-Chairs : Kathy Gates and Jamie Polglaze
Social Media Chair : Kathy Gates

Webmaster : Deb Roney

Yearbook Editor : Deb Roney

Individual board and other branch members will assume responsibility for specific tasks and projects as needed or desired to maintain the health of the Branch and to contribute to the mission and programs of AAUW.